Clinical Case Discussion


Coordinated by: Linda Clarke-Florencia Shanahan-Lilli Klint-Caroline Heanue

What: A space offered to formalise clinical work and interrogate psychoanalytic concepts (diagnosis, symptom, transference, unconscious, drive, repetition, subject, object, Other, body).

For Whom: students, trainees, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists engaged in clinical practice from a Lacanian perspective, engaged in analysis and supervision.

When: 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 8pm

Start: Wednesday 13th January 2021 (proposed duration for one year until December 2020). Registration will close on 7th January 2021

Format: each meeting to begin with 10 minutes introduction to a particular concept (decided in advance) presented by coordinators, followed by one case presentation and discussion. Meeting duration of 11/2 hours.

Fee: There is no fee to participate.

Caveat: A form to be completed by each participant on registration. Form will provide participant contact details; engagement with analyst/supervisor confirmation; confidentiality requirements (clinical material and discussion not to be circulated, disguise case identity, space is free, open only to participants residing in Ireland as attendance will be in person once prevailing health guidelines allow it, commitment to attend and present material).