“Why, When and What: Supervision and the Practitioner’s Resistance”
A Seminar on Supervision in the Lacanian Orientation
with Gustavo Dessal
Why should we, from time to time, remind ourselves of the crucial importance of supervision? Everyone agrees that analytical training is inconceivable without personal analysis. And, at least in theory, nobody is unaware of the importance of supervision. But in practical terms, analysts do not seem to admit the latter to the same extent, or at the same level. If Lacan once said that ‘there is no other resistance than the analyst’s’, should we not extend this “quip” also to supervision?
Via Zoom Friday 22nd May at 7pm [Dublin time] / Fee: €7 Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/ webinar/register/WN_Fh_IZRuoR6a7ZdT9aEcYOA After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Gustavo Dessal is a psychoanalyst in Madrid. He is an analyst member (AMS) of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis (ELP) Spain and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). He teaches at the Institute of the Freudian Field. He is also a fiction writer. In 2019 he published “Inconsciente 3.0. Lo que hacemos con las tecnologías y lo que las tecnologías hacen con nosotros” [Unconscious 3.0. What we do with tecnhologies and what technologies do with us]