What Does an Analysis Satisfy? Testimony by Dalila Arpin (AS)
ICLO-NLS Space Formation of the Analyst and its School
Friday 11th October / Venue PSI, Grantham St. / Time: 7pm to 9pm
Title: What does an analysis satisfy?
Theme: Satisfaction / Time and urgency in an analysis: My experience of the Pass
The life of a subject can be translated in psychoanalytical terms as an attempt to respond to a point of real. The Real is that which does work, does not fit. It appears as something impossible. This space will explore how a subject can find the way of know how (savoir faire) with the real he encounters in his life. In an analysis it comes to pass that something that once caused suffering becomes, , a source of satisfaction. How is this transformation produced? Only the experience of an analysis taken to its end via the Pass, can teach us about this point.
Dalila Arpin is an Argentinean psychoanalyst practicing in Paris. She is a member of the École de la Cause freudienne (ECF) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). She is an Analyst Member of the School (AMS) and Analyst of the School (AS) from 2016-2019. She has a Doctorate in psychoanalysis from Paris VII University (Figures of Disbelief) and has written a book entitled Couples celèbres. Liaisons insconscientes (Celebrity Couples: Unconscious Encounters).
Fee: €20 (€10 Students/Unwaged) / Booking: register@iclo-nls.org PSI, 2nd Floor, Granham House, Grantham St., Dublin 8 www.iclo-nls.org