“The Subject of Addiction” – Opening Event 2017/18
The Subject of Addiction
Friday 15th September 2017
7pm – 9pm [tea/coffee from 6.30pm]
To be human means there is addiction. As Lacan once said in a round table discussion on addiction: “in any case speech always addresses addicts”. In our ever increasingly uncertain world, people are scrambling for solutions, for guarantees that will allow them to deal with their suffering in ways that are situated outside the realm of subjective responsibility.
Today, more than ever, it seems people rely more on drugs, alcohol, medication, gadgets etc. to regulate their moods, their bodies, their existence.
ICLO- NLS would like to invite you to The Subject of Addiction, a conversation with Rik Loose, Linda Clarke, Susan Mc Feely (ICLO-NLS) and Philip Dravers (London Society-NLS) on addiction in our contemporary times and clinics. This conversation should be of interest not just to psychoanalysts but especially also to addiction counsellors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, nurses, doctors, researchers, students, indeed anyone with an interest in – and experience of – the field of addiction in some form or other.
This will be the opening of the 2017-2018 Programme of ICLO-NLS. It will take place between 7pm and 9pm, at the PSI, 2nd Floor Grantham House, Grantham Street, Dublin 8.