The Place of the Gaze with Miquel Bassols
8th March 2024
Carmelite Community Centre
Dublin 2
ICLO-NLS looks forward to welcoming Miquel Bassols!
The Place of the Gaze
“It is known that there are two new objects that Lacan adds to the classic Freudian series of the oral, the anal and the phallic object. These two new objects are the gaze and the voice.
The gaze is an object even more immanent, more evanescent, than the voice, much more immanent even than the maternal breast or excrement. We can record the voice in a material medium (now, for example, in a digital medium), but it is difficult to think about how to locate the gaze in some medium. And yet, we must emphasise the preeminent place of the gaze in our world and in the current clinic, especially when we address the massive presence of screens and the space of virtual reality in which a good part of our activities take place. Today the gaze is at the very core of the subject’s relationship with his body and his jouissance.
Following this perspective, we will talk about the place of the gaze in some moments of Lacan’s teaching.”
Miquel Bassols is a psychoanalyst and member of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis in the Freudian Field & the School of the Freudian Cause.He holds a PhD from the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII and teaches at the Institute of the Freudian Field of Barcelona.Previously Chair of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, he has lectured extensively throughout Europe and in USA.
He has written a number of books including but not limited to:
- La psicoanàlisi explicada als mitjans de comunicació (1997)
- La interpretación como malentendido (2001)
- Finales de análisis (2007)
- Llull con Lacan. El amor, la palabra y la letra en la psicosis (2010)
- Lecturas de la página en blanco. La letra y el objeto (2011)
- El caballo del pensamiento (2011)
- Tu Yo no es tuyo. Lo real del psicoanálisis en la ciencia (2011)
- A psicanálise, a ciência, o real (2015)
- La diferencia de los sexos no existe en el inconsciente (2021)
He has published numerous articles/papers and also translated (in Catalan) Lacan’s Lituraterre (2021) accompanied by an expansive commentary. In addition, he regularly publishes various texts and readings on psychoanalysis and literature on the blog “Desescrits.”