The Gaze in the Freudian Clinical Cases

A Seminar with Domenico Cosenza (A.M.S, SLP, WAP)

Open to all!
12th April 2024
Carmelite Community Centre
Dublin 2
€30 Ticket
€20 Student


Freud’s work did not give explicit status to the dimension of the gaze as a drive object, as he did for example for the oral and anal object in his theory of the drive. It was to be Lacan who would shed light on the status of the gaze as an object cause of desire, adding it – together with the voice – to the list of lost objects that animate the subject’s libidinal economy. And yet it is possible, in reading the Freudian text, to bring out the centrality of the gaze in the life of the drive from the very beginning of his drive theory. The way in which he presents us with the clinic of voyeurism and exhibitionism as early as in the Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality is clear proof of this. In this seminar we will try to demonstrate this centrality of the function of the gaze in the light of the Freudian clinic, through a re-reading of the famous Freudian clinical cases – Dora, The Young Homosexual Woman, Little Hans, the Rat Man and the Wolf Man. Each of them will teach us something important about the status of the gaze in the psychoanalytic clinic.

Domenico Cosenza, Psychologist and Psychotherapist, PhD in Psychoanalysis from the University of Paris VIII. 
Psychoanalyst in private practice in Milan, Italy. 
Analyst Member of the School (A.M.S) and past President of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis (SLP) (2013-2016) and member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). 
He was A.S. (Analyst of the School) from May 2017 to May 2020. 
President of Euro Federation of Psychoanalysis (EFP) from July 2017 – July 2021.

He teaches at the Clinical Section of Milan and is frequently invited to teach in other clinical sections throughout Europe and America . He also teaches Eating Behaviour Psychopathology in the Department of Psychology at Pavia University. He has a lengthy and extensive experience of working in clinical institutions for Eating Disorders in Italy, and is vice-President of the FIDA (Federazione Italiana Disturbi Alimentari, [Italian Federation of Eating Disorders]).

He is the author of several books, among them: 
Jacques Lacan e il problema della tecnica in psicoanalisi (Roma: Astrolabio, 2003; Madrid: Gredos, 2008); 
Il muro dell’anoressia (Roma: Astrolabio, 2008; Madrid:Gredos 2013; 2 Spanish edition, Barcelona: Xoroi 2021); 
La comida y el inconsciente. Psicoanalisis y trastornos alimentarios (Buenos Aires: Tres Haches, 2013); 
Introducción a la clinica psicoanalitica de la anorexia, bulimia y obesidad, Logos n. 8 (Buenos Aires: Grama, 2014); 
Le refus dans l’anorexie (Rennes:Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014; Belo Horizonte: Scriptum 2018);
Il cibo e l’inconscio psicoanalisi e disturbi alimentari (FrancoAngeli, Milano 2018; Barcelona: NED, 2019); 
Clinica dell’eccesso. Derive pulsionali e soluzioni sintomatiche nella psicopatologia contemporanea (FrancoAngeli, Milano 2022; Belo Horizonte:Scriptum 2024);
A Lacanian Reading of Anorexia (London-New York: Routledge 2023).

Special discount for copies available at the weekend!