(The) Beginning (of) an Analysis
The teaching seminar for this year is the first of a three-year Introductory Clinical Seminar to Lacanian Psychoanalysis. The first module (2017/2018), entitled (The) Beginning (of) an Analysis, will explore the beginning of analytic treatment following J.-A. Miller’s Introduction to the Psychoanalytic Method and his concepts of “clinical avaluation”, “subjective localization” and “introduction to the unconscious”. Freud’s technical papers on the beginning of the treatment and preliminary session, as well as Lacan’s algorithm of the transference will be introduced and clinical vignettes will be used to illustrate the logical point at which an analysis starts (or not) and how.
The second and third modules (2018/2020) will be dedicated to “The Course of an Analysis” (principles of the direction of the treatment; politic-strategy-tactic; construction of the fantasy) and to “(The) End(ing) of (an) Analysis” (traversing the fundamental fantasy; subjective destitution; symptom/sinthome; the drive and the Other at the end of analysis).
Responsible: Rik Loose – Florencia Shanahan
Dates: 20th April / 11th May / 8th June
Venue: PSI, 2nd Floor, Grantham House, Grantham Street, D8