Seminar of the Lacanian Orientation with members of the World Association of Psychoanalysis
Marco Focchi
“What is the Unconscious made of?“
The general axis for this Seminars for 2014/16 will be -in line with the forthcoming WAP Congress in Rio- “Language and the Body”.
Marco Focchi is a psychoanalyst in Milan, Italy. He is Analyst Member (AME) and former President of the Scuola lacaniana di Psicoanalisi, and member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. He is Director of the Freudian Institute in Milan and is a member of the Ethics Committee for Biomedical Research and Health Care of the Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento [Clinical Institute of Specialisation]. He has co-ordinated psychological services for schools in the Milano 3 District.He has been widely published internationally. His most recent book is “Symptoms without unconscious in times without desire [Sintomisenza inconscio di un’epoca senza desiderio, Antigone, Torino 2014].
Date: 7th February 2015
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: St. Vincent’s Hospital Fairview, Psychotherapy Dept, 193 Richmond Road, D3.
Fee: €20
Booking essential:
Limited places available