Repetition: From Freud to Lacan by Alan Rowan
Saturday 11th of June at 11 am in the Carmelite Community Centre, Aungier St, Dublin 2.
In-Person Only Event – TO BOOK
ICLO-NLS is delighted to welcome Alan Rowan to give a seminar which speaks to the title “Repetition: From Freud to Lacan”. This is a preparatory event towards the NLS Congress 2022 titled “Fixation and Repetition”.
“This talk will focus on Freud’s use of repetition both prior to and after his introduction of the concept “the compulsion to repeat.” It will further explore Lacan’s reworking of repetition focusing in particular on Seminar XI and on how symptom and fantasy are necessarily implicated in any consideration of repetition at either a clinical or theoretical level”.
Alan Rowan is a psychoanalyst, member of ICLO-NLS, NLS and WAP.
- Freud. S. “Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality”, S.E. VII
- Freud. S. “Remembering, Repeating and Working Through”, S.E. XII
- Freud. S. “Beyond the Pleasure Principle”, S.E. XVIII
- Lacan. J. Seminar XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, The Hogarth Press
- Miller. J-A. “Reading a Symptom”, Hurly Burly, Issue 6, September 2011
- Miller. J-A. “Transference, Repetition and the Sexual Real”, Psychoanalytical Notebooks, Issue 22
- Stevens. A. “Fixation & Repetition”, NLS Congress Argument 2022,