Programme 2010/2011
ICLO-NLS will have an intensive Programme from September:
– Clinical Conversations: September 18th with Pierre-Gilles Gueguen (Paris) on “Differential Diagnosis“; December 11th with Marie-Helene Brousse (Paris) on “Towards a Clinic of Objects”
– Teaching Seminar: ‘Lacanian Practice and the Clinic (I): Working with Children, Psychosis & Addictions”
– Open Seminar: ‘Lacan with the Post-Freudians’ (M.Balint, M.Klein & D.Winnicott)
– Cartel Work within the New Lacanian School [contact if you would like to join / set up a cartel]
– Seminar for ICLO members: ‘Reading the Ecrits: ‘Position of the Unconscious”