Opening Event to inaugurate ICLO-NLS’s annual programme 2023/24
Opening Event to inaugurate ICLO-NLS’s annual programme 2023/24
A seminar with Véronique Voruz & Clinical presentations by ICLO members
Saturday 9th September11am to 4pm
Carmelite Community Centre, D2
20e / Students 10e
All welcome!
Véronique Voruz is a member of the Ėcole de la Cause Freudienne (ECF), the New Lacanian School (NLS) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). Analyst of the School (A.S.) for the period 2015-2018. Former assistant editor of La Cause du désir and managing editor of The Lacanian Review (TLR). She co-edited The Later Lacan, SUNNY, 2007 and is the author of numerous psychoanalytic articles and chapters of books published in several languages. She was also Course director of the MA in Psychoanalysis at Kingston University.
Opening Event September 9th 2023
Theoretical seminar & Clinical cases
Venue: Carmelite Centre, Aungier St., D2
Time: 11am to 4pm
In person only
Fee: 20e [10e for students/unwaged]
ICLO Society of the NLS – AXIS PROGRAMME 2023/24
Psychoanalysis < > Depathologisation
The symbolic will print semantic representations onto the imaginary body,
which the speaking body then weaves and unweaves.
It is in this respect that one’s debility destines the speaking body as such to delusion.
You wonder how someone who has done an analysis
can still imagine themselves to be normal.
Jacques-Alain Miller(*)
The opposition between a “clinic of the gaze” and a “clinic of listening”1 lies at the very heart of the constitution of the so-called “psychoanalytic clinic.”
From Charcot to Freud, the distinction between the normal and the pathological was forever subverted with the invention of an unheard-off partner for and of the subject’s suffering: the unconscious and its psychoanalyst.
Words and images fail to account for the real that drives the subject’s destiny without them knowing it. But the forms that the knotting between the three registers that Lacan proposed to formalise the experience that analytic practice constitutes are not separated from the times in which they emerge.
The current pregnancy of the imaginary, the expansion of virtuality, the short-circuiting of speech and interpretation, and their impact in the modes in which subjects inhabit (or not) the social bond, lead us to interrogate how imperatives are instituted today, what exigencies subjects are confronted by and to, what means – old and new – are available to respond and treat them.
In times of the “fundamental clinical equality between speaking-beings,”2 but also of blurred boundaries between our bodies and screens, what is specific to psychoanalysis and the Lacanian understanding of “depathologising”?
Both the themes of the forthcoming WAP3 and NLS4 Congresses will be at the centre of the investigations proposed for this year’s ICLO-NLS Programme, and we look forward to the various events and spaces where this research and learning will take place. Join us in the adventure!
Florencia F.C. Shanahan
(*) “The Unconscious and the Speaking Body”, Online here.
- Cf. for instance G. Lanteri-Laura, P. Bercherie, M. Foucault.
- Miller, J.-A., op. cit.
- “Everyone is Mad”, XIVth Congress of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. To be held online on 22nd-25th February 2024.
- “Clinic of the Gaze”, XXIInd Congress of the New Lacanian School. To be held in Dublin on 11th-12th May 2024