Normality Does Not Exist -Teachings of the AS with Dossia Avdelidi
Friday 8th October
About this event
Lacan’s Seminar VI entitled Desire and its Interpretation. In this session, Lacan emphasises the protest value of perversion. As Jacques-Alain Miller points out in the back cover of the seminar in question, Lacan gives perversion “the value of a rebellion against the identifications that assure the maintenance of social routines”. Even though this is a 1959 seminar, it is current since it announces “the revamping of formely established conformisms, and even their explosion”.
“Lacan is talking about us”, says Miller.
I will first follow the thread of this last session of Lacan’s seminar, as well as the comments of Jacques-Alain Miller. I will then comment on the breakdown of the male norm, following Lacan’s thread in seminars XIX and XX, to arrive at there is no sexual relation, a formula that privileges the One of jouissance, while denying the two of the relation.