NLS Knottings Seminar – A View from the Exit
“Who should we talk to about entering analysis? The most interesting thing would undoubtedly be to talk about it to those who have not yet entered analysis, and who perhaps never will. […] Having located the address, I pose the question: Viewed from the exit, what is the entry into analysis? We don’t usually say that we come out of analysis, whereas we readily say that we enter it – could it be that we’re not quite sure we’ll ever get out, once we’ve entered? In any case, it’s not certain that the practitioner of psychoanalysis has come out of it – perhaps he shouldn’t exit it [en sortir], but at most he should get through it [s’en sortir], if he can. Let’s say the exit all the same, since we say the entry.
Jacques-Alain Miller, “Vue de la sortie [View From the Exit]”, in Comment finissent les analyses. Paradoxes de la passe, Navarin Ed., 2022, p. 71
Theoretical & Clinical presentations – Q&A
In person only
Dr Daniel Roy
Psychoanalyst – Psychiatrist (AMS)
President of the New Lacanian School.
Member of the Ėcole de la Cause Freudienne (ECF), the New Lacanian School (NLS) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). Dr Roy lectures at the Bordeaux Clinical Section, is Secretary General of Psychoanalytic Institute of the Child of the Freudian Field. Founder and coordinator of the CLAP The Child Who Comes (CPCT Bordeaux); Former Attaché to the Neonatology Department at Bordeaux University Hospital; former doctor in charge of the Podensac, day hospital for autistic and psychotic children (Réseau RI3), and one of Bordeaux’s public child-adolescent consultants. Author of numerous international psychoanalytical articles and texts.
Philip Dravers
Psychoanalyst (PA)
Member of the London Society of the NLS, the New Lacanian School (NLS) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). He is currently one of the Secretaries of the NLS and a Committee Member of the London Workshop of the Freudian Field. He is an analyst in private practice in London.
Claire Hawkes
Member and current Secretary of ICLO. She worked for many years in a mental health organisation; is now in private practice in Dublin.
Caroline Heanue
ICLO Chair
Sheila Power
ICLO Vice-Chair
Florencia F.C. Shanahan
ICLO Treasurer