Mirages of Truth and Shortcuts – Dalila Arpin

ICLO-NLS Clinical and Theoretical Seminar

Saturday 12th October / Venue Carmelite Centre, Aungier St. / 10am to 1pm

Title: Mirages of the truth and short cuts

Theme: Transformations of the notion of truth in Lacan’s teaching / Truth versus event / The opposition between the first Lacan and the latest about the interpretation

Title: Mirages of the truth and short cuts

Theme: Transformations of the notion of truth in Lacan’s teaching / Truth versus event / The opposition between the first Lacan and the latest about the interpretation


What is truth? It may be evident that the truth is something different to a lie, but according to the logic of the Unconscious, something can be both: true and untrue. Sometimes, we encounter such contradictory experiences in dreams. The main consequence of this contradiction is that the interpretation of the analyst cannot lean on the truth, but rather has to consider the point of real in every clinical case. A very different mode of interpretation appears in the latest teaching of Lacan: instead of the deciphering of truth via the production of meaning, “the cut” of the analyst allows to take in hand the singular knotting of a subject.


Dalila Arpin is an Argentinean psychoanalyst practicing in Paris. She is a member of the École de la Cause freudienne (ECF) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). She is an Analyst Member of the School (AME) and Analyst of the School (AS) from 2016-2019. She has a Doctorate in psychoanalysis from Paris VII University (Figures of Disbelief) and has written a book entitled Couples celèbres.LIaisons insconscientes(Celebrity Couples: Unconscious Encounters).


Fee: €30 (€20 Students/Unwaged) / Booking: register@iclo-nls.org Carmelite Community Centre, 56 Aungier St,, Dublin 2. www.iclo-nls.org

What is truth? It may be evident that the truth is something different to a lie, but according to the logic of the Unconscious, something can be both: true and untrue. Sometimes, we encounter such contradictory experiences in dreams. The main consequence of this contradiction is that the interpretation of the analyst cannot lean on the truth, but rather has to consider the point of real in every clinical case. A very different mode of interpretation appears in the latest teaching of Lacan: instead of the deciphering of truth via the production of meaning, “the cut” of the analyst allows to take in hand the singular knotting of a subject.


Dalila Arpin is an Argentinean psychoanalyst practicing in Paris. She is a member of the École de la Cause freudienne (ECF) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). She is an Analyst Member of the School (AME) and Analyst of the School (AS) from 2016-2019. She has a Doctorate in psychoanalysis from Paris VII University (Figures of Disbelief) and has written a book entitled Couples celèbres.LIaisons insconscientes(Celebrity Couples: Unconscious Encounters).


Fee: €30 (€20 Students/Unwaged) / Booking: register@iclo-nls.org Carmelite Community Centre, 56 Aungier St,, Dublin 2. www.iclo-nls.org