Knottings Seminar: The Other Side of Interpretation. Reasonances of the Body in Psychoanalysis

The Knottings Seminar of the New Lacanian School (NLS) will take place for the first time in Ireland on January 18th 2020.

VENUE: PSI Grantham St., D8 / TIME: 10am to 4pm / FEE: €30 (€15 Students/Unwaged) / Booking:

This Seminar has the function –as its name suggests- of weaving working ties in a combinatory way that brings us beyond the comfort of the “local”, and includes the “disparate” dimension of the NLS through its plurality of languages and cultures. This diversity at the heart of the most heterogeneous of the Schools of the WAP is homologous to our object’s matter itself.

The Knottings Seminar is organised by the Executive Committee of the NLS and brings together colleagues from the Societies, to work on the theme of the Congress of the School.[1]

We are delighted to welcome Bernard Seynhaeve, President of the NLS, from Belgium, who will deliver a conference on the topic. Also Marina Frangiadaki, AMS of the NLS, from Greece, who will present a clinical case from her practice. Two members of ICLO will present clinical cases as well.

If psychoanalysis operates on the real by means of the symbolic, then the place of the body in interpretation cannot be overlooked. How does psychoanalysis operate? Neither Freud nor Lacan gave to this question a simple or a definitive answer.

We shall interrogate our analytic practice, what we do, from the perspective of the re(a)sonance of speech in the body, according to the proposal of Éric Laurent: “On the most radical horizon of this new perspective, Lacan will be led to base the very possibility of interpretation on a new dit-mansion, a heterogeneous mixture of signifier and letter. It is this new dimension (as a specific contribution of psychoanalysis that adds to language functions unperceived by linguistics, even by Jacobson, who was so sensible to the poetic function that links interpretation to the definition of the symptom as a body event. Interpretation thereby becomes an act of saying, which is of the order of an event.”[2] The power that Lacan attributes to this new use of the signifier acts directly on a symptom, namely, “according to Lacan’s cryptic expression, [in such a way that it may] extinguish it.”


10.00am – Registration

10.15am – Opening Joanne Conway, Chair of ICLO-NLS

10.30am – Conference “Lacanian Analysis, Not Without The BodyBernard Seynhaeve, President of the NLS


12.30pm – Lunch break

1.30pm – “Essential tremors” – Case Study Linda Clarke, ICLO-NLS

2.15pm – “A (un)Disturbed Feminine Jouissance” – Case Study Caroline Heanue, ICLO-NLS
Chair: Rik Loose

3.00pm – Coffee Break

3.15pm – ““An immobile body, a moving parlêtre” – Case Study Marina Frangiadaki, Hellenic Society-NLS
Chair: Susan Mc Feely

4.00pm – Closing


  1. Cf.
  2. Éric Laurent, Interpretation: From Truth to Event. Speech delivered in Tel Aviv, 2 June 2019. Argument of the NLS Congress 2020.