Introductory Clinical Seminar to Lacanian Psychoanalysis

You can now register for the third module of the ICLO-NLS Introductory Clinical Seminar to Lacanian Psychoanalysis entitled (The) End(ing) of (an) Analysis. If you did not attend the first two modules, (The) Beginning (of) an Analysis and the The C(o)urse of an Analysis, but you would like to get involved, please feel free to contact us and material of the previous modules will be made available to you.

This third module will continue with the format of participants being actively and inclusively engaged in its preparation. We encourage you to present your questions, comments and reading both at the seminars and in advance of each meeting, by email (at

Regarding this third and last module, the first meeting will take place on Friday 4th October and we will focus on the end of analysis as articulated by Freud. We will make reference to Lacan’s ideas on the end of analysis, the traversing of the fantasy and his notion of subjective destitution.

A second meeting will take place on the 1st of November. In that meeting we will look at the destinies of the transference, failed endings, the drive and the body at the end of analysis. The third and last meeting will take place on the 6th of December. We will talk about the (procedure of the) Pass, its function in a (psychoanalytic) School and we will refer to testimonies of the end of analysis.

We are looking forward to your attendance and participation and to our work together!

Florencia Shanahan and Rik Loose

Pre-booking of seminars is required:
Venue: PSI, Grantham St., D8 / Time: 7pm to 9pm / Fee: 30 euro (all three seminars)