ICLO Society of the NLS Annual Clinical & Theoretical Seminars 2021/2022
The axis for the ICLO-NLS Annual Seminar “Sexualities in the 21stCentury” will constitute the frame for the work in ICLO this year,speaking to the themes of both the NLS Congress “Fixation and Repetition” and the WAP’s Great International Online Conversation, “The Woman Does Not Exist”.
There is no simple approach to the clinic of sexuation. Neither on the side of the object choice, nor on the side of the assumption of anatomical sex. There is no sexual relation –there are social bonds,social bonds which take many forms. ICLO’s axis will look to the later Lacan which affords the subject the opportunity to invent and make use of his/her sinthome to love, work and desire, foregrounding singularity and dignity.
Guest speakers 2021/2022are:Dossia Avdelidi AS, NLS
Laurent Dupont ECF, NLS
Anne Lysy Kring, NLS
The first part of the day consists of a conference/seminar on a specific topic which references the ICLO annual theme delivered by the guest speaker. The second part of the day includes the participation of one or more presenters in a dialogue with the visiting analyst on the theme of the theoretical presentation.
A closed clinical conversation for ICLO members takes place in the afternoon.