ICLO-NLS Welcomes Anne Lysy, Kring, NLS


Sexualities & Psychoanalysis Today: Speaking Bodies, Holes & Necessary Fictions

Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian orientation teaches us that sexuality is a matter of an encounter between words and bodies, an encounter of language and jouissance.

This seminar will trace a winding path that carries us through the opposition and coupling of fictions and real, dialectics of desire and body event – from the theme of the upcoming NLS Congress to that of the recent World Association of Psychoanalysis Congress, “Woman Doesn’t Exist.”

A published pass testimony by Clotilde Leguil, “The First”* presented by Joanne Conway ICLO-NLS, will accompany our work of elaboration speaking to the seminar title.


  • Jacques-Alain Miller, “Reading a Symptom,” Hurly Burly, Issue 6, pg. 143-152.
  • NLS Congress 2022 Argument by Alexandre Stevens (see link below)
  • * Clotilde Leguil, “The First,” The Lacanian Review, Issue 5, pg. 90-97.
  • * Clotilde Leguil, “An Awakening: Between Vision & Dénouement,” Scilicet -Dream Its Interpretation & Use in Lacanian Treatment, 2020, pg. 178-179.