ICLO-NLS Study-Day 2018 “On Transference”

ICLO-NLS 6th Study-Day
Saturday 2nd June


With Guest Presentation


by Lynn Gaillard

(Member of the NLS Executive Committee)


Transference did not wait for psychoanalysis to exist, but it was Freud who conceptualised it and made of its handling the mainspring of the singular relation that links analyst and analysand in an experience that is not reduced to therapeutics.

“For Lacan, the question of knowing what transference is was far from being resolved, and quite a number of diverging views on the subject had been expressed at different stages in the history of psychoanalysis. Lacan even referred to it as the site of a “permanent conceptual crisis […] in analysis”, a crisis that is necessary for the very existence of psychoanalysis.”

Within the framework of the preparation towards the forthcoming Congress of the New Lacanian School, the 6th Study-Day of ICLO-NLS will aim at exploring the concept of transference in its various facets and cadences, as it presents itself in and out of the psychoanalytic experience, as well as in the ins and outs of an analysis, taking into account the topology proper to the Lacanian subject.

So transference in our clinical work as fundamental tool of the psychoanalytic operation in its relation to the unconscious and interpretation, but also in the interstices where something of the psychoanalytic discourse is made exist by the appeal to a social bond that would not be one of domination . In its side of missed encounter and that of the enactment of the reality of the unconscious. In the edges of the act -acting in and out-. In its transformation throughout the analysis and its putting to work outside of it, both towards the analytic community and the social and political fields.

Resistance. Obstacle. Repetition. Positive. Negative. Love. Hatred. Lovehating. Subject. Object. Belief. Knowledge. Truth. Act. Opening. Closing. Alienation. Separation. Destitution. New love. Sinthome.

In a state of transference, we invite you to be part of it!

Guest Presentation: ‘The Heart of the Matter” ‘In my presentation I will explore the link between love and knowledge in the analytic experience, with reference to texts of Freud and Lacan, in particular the Seminar VIII, Transference. Clinical vignettes will emphasize the handling of transference.’

Lynn Gaillard works as a psychoanalyst in private practice as well as in an association for people with special needs. Previously, she worked as a teacher of children with autism and psychosis in Boston, and then as a documentary filmmaker. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the NLS, a member of the WAP, of Asreep-NLS and of the ACF Rhone-Alps.

DATE: 2nd June 2018
VENUE: PSI, Grantham St, D8
TIME: 10.30am
FEE: 30e / Students 20e