ICLO-NLS Opening Event
Saturday 26th September / 10.30am to 1pm / Fee: €10 [book below]
Presentation of the 2020/21 Programme / Argumented Questions by Rik Loose & Marlene ffrench Mullen / Discussion with participants
“How can we separate out the many senses of the expression “bodies captured by discourse”? On the one hand, at the level of the subject of civilisation, Lacan demonstrated, after Freud, that speaking beings were an effect of the structure of the dominant discourse of their time. On the other, at the level of the speaking body, the emphasis in Lacanian psychoanalytic theory and practice is on the mark of language on living flesh, a mark which both mortifies the body and causes jouissance as a de-natured surge of life that eschews homeostasis. There are identifiable coordinates for the subject of civilisation that we can use to account for a number of subjective effects, and there is the singularity of each speaking body’s encounter with language.”
Véronique Voruz is a psychoanalyst in the UK and France. Member of the École de la Cause freudienne (ECF), the New Lacanian School (NLS) and of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) (AE, 2016-2019).