ICLO-NLS Open Event: “States of Segregation”
Saturday 19th January 2019 / 10am to 2pm / PSI, Grantham St., D8
Fee: 10e / Booking: register@iclo-nls.org
ICLO-NLS is delighted to welcome Dr Gloria Kirwan, Dr Fiona O’Reilly and Melatu Uche Okorie to States of Segregation, a conversation with Susan McFeely, Rik Loose and Linda Clarke (ICLO-NLS) on segregation in contemporary times.
Dr Gloria Kirwan is a Lecturer in Social Work in the Dept of Applied Social Studies, Maynooth University. In addition to her social work qualifications, Gloria also holds law degrees at primary and masters level. Her research interests are strongly influenced by the combination of her previous work experience in mental health, child welfare and community development alongside her commitment to promoting human rights and the participation of people in decisions that affect their lives.
Dr Fiona O’Reilly is General Manager of Safetynet Primary Care which is a medical charity that delivers quality care to those marginalized in society without access to healthcare, including homeless people, drug users and migrants. Fiona’s work has involved health care delivery, design, management, review and evaluation. She established and managed programmes in war torn countries (e.g. Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia) and conducted evaluations in Afghanistan, Zambia and Kenya. Closer to home Fiona has a particular interest in the effect of social deprivation on health and has led and participated in many research studies including “Homelessness: An Unhealthy State”.
Melatu-Uche Okorie was born in Enugu, Nigeria and has been living in Ireland for twelve years. She has an M.Phil in creative writing from Trinity College, Dublin. Her work has been published in Dublin: Ten Journeys One Destination, Alms on the Highway (New Writing from the Oscar Wilde Centre), LIT Journal, College Green Magazine. Her debut collection, This Hostel Life, was published in May, 2018. She is currently working on a novel.