ICLO-NLS Introductory Teaching Seminar to Lacanian Psychoanalysis

The C(o)urse of (an) Analysis

Rik Loose and Florencia Shanahan

25th January – 8th February – 8th March 2019

When can one say that an analysis has begun? How are the fundamental rule and the use of the couch introduced? What is the difference between a symptom as suffering and an analytic symptom under transference? What is the function of the preliminary sessions? What is the difference between structural diagnosis and diagnosis of the subject’s position in the encounter with an analyst? What are the operations on the demand that is addressed to the analyst that allow for an analysis to begin? Are there counter-indications to psychoanalytic treatment?

Having worked on these questions last year, we will now explore “The C(o)urse of (an) Analysis”. This is the second of a three-module Introductory Clinical Seminar to Lacanian Psychoanalysis. If you could not attend for the first module but wish to participate, please contact us and we will make the material available to you.

These three meetings will explore the logic of the Direction of the Treatment: politics, strategy and tactics. We will look at the notion of ‘time’ and ‘times’ from a Lacanian perspective and the transformations of the symptom as well as the construction of the fundamental fantasy that leads an analysis to its logical end. We will focus on therapeutic gains and symptomatic resolution, deciphering of the unconscious-knowledge and development of the transference. Throughout the meetings we will discuss differential diagnosis and its implications for the analytic treatment and the analyst’s position / interventions. The circuits of the drive, paradoxical satisfaction and repetition will be explored.

The third and last module (2019) will be dedicated to “(The) End(ing) of (an) Analysis” (traversing of the fundamental fantasy; subjective destitution; symptom/sinthome; the drive and the Other at the end of analysis).

Meeting 1


  • Introduction & recap
  • Logical Time(s)
  • Need / Demand / Desire

Recommended Reading: Lacan, J., “Logical Time and the Assertion of Anticipated Certainty, in Ecrits. Lacan, J., The Signification of the Phallus, in Ecrits. Lacan, J., Seminar XI, Chapters “The Freudian Unconscious and Ours” and “The Presence of the Analyst”

Meeting 2


  • Desire, Transference, Interpretation
  • Politics, Strategy, Tactics

Recommended Reading: Lacan, J., The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles?of Its Power, in Ecrits. Lacan, J., The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire ?in the Freudian Unconscious, in Ecrits.

Meeting 3


  • Repetition / Drive / Jouissance
  • Construction of the Fantasy

Recommended Reading:

Freud, S., Constructions in Analysis (1937) Freud, S., Analysis Terminable and Interminable Lacan, J., Position of the Unconscious, in Ecrits. Lacan, J., On Freud’s “Trieb” and the Psychoanalyst’s Desire, in Ecrits.

Further Recommended Readings:

Miller, J.-A., From Symptom to Fantasy And Back Miller, J.-A., Interpretation in Reverse Miller, J.-A., Transference, Repetition and the Sexual Real Monribot, P., The Lacanian Interpretation Lysy, A., The Unconscious and Interpretation Lysy, A., Transference and Interpretation Zenoni, A., Orienting Oneself in Transference

Enquiries: info@iclo-nls.org Venue: PSI, Grantham St, D8 Fee: 10euro

Please note: Due to increased demand pre-booking and payment for the 3 seminars is required

To secure your place, please send your name and booking fee (€30) by:


Account Name: Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation Account No: 27186415 Sort code: 900017 IBAN: IE90BOFI90001727186415 BIC: BOFIIE2D PLEASE NOTE: In the MESSAGE” option when transferring amount, enter your FULL NAME