ICLO-NLS Inter-Cartel Day: Urgent!
On the Saturday the 25th of May ICLO-NLS is organising a Cartel Event (an Inter-Cartel Day) entitled “Presentation on Work of Cartels. Urgent!”
For psychoanalysis of the Lacanian orientation cartel work is considered an indispensable part of a formation in analysis but it is also considered to be crucial for a study of the Lacanian texts.
This will be a morning of cartelisands presenting the products of their cartel work, final or in progress. It will be also an opportunity to discuss what is the structure of the cartel, why and how did Lacan invented this device as one of the ‘organs’ of his School, how is it different from a reading group, etc.
Also it will be a chance for anyone interested in psychoanalysis and in joining a cartel (regardless of your discipline, job, qualifications, etc) to meet up with current cartelisands and know more about what goes on in ICLO-NLS!
Rik Loose – Linda Clarke Responsible for Cartels