Fixation: A Bone in Psychoanalysis conducted by Rik Loose & Alan Rowan
Friday 10th of June at 7 pm in the Carmelite Community Centre, Aungier St, Dublin 2.
In-Person Only Event – TO BOOK
This is a preparatory event towards the NLS Congress titled “Fixation and Repetition”.
“In this seminar, Alan Rowan and Rik Loose will consider aspects of Freud’s notion of fixation within the development of Lacan’s work and in doing so explore a trajectory from the dialectisability of fictions and their inertias to the One that is not reducible to the Other and its opaqueness-to-meaning of jouissance. In doing so they will furthermore introduce aspects of repetition – which Lacan promoted to a fundamental concept – and which will subsequently form the focus of Saturday’s seminar”.
Rik Loose is a psychoanalyst, member of ICLO-NLS, NLS and WAP.
Alan Rowan is a psychoanalyst, member of ICLO-NLS, NLS and WAP.
- Freud, S.(1916-1917). Introductory Lectures, 18/21/22. S.E. Vol. XVI
- Lacan, J. (1975-76/2016). The Sinthome. Polity
- Miller, J-A. (2000). “Paradigms of Jouissance” Lacanian Ink. Vol. 17
- Miller, J-A. “Lacanian Biology and the Event of the Body” Lacanian Ink. Vol.18
- Miller, J.-.A. “Reading a Symptom”, Hurly-Burly 6.
- Miller, J.-A. “Being is Desire”, The Symptom 18,