Eric Laurent in Ireland – September 2014

Conference & Debate, chaired by Rik Loose, Alan Rowan and Florencia Shanahan
followed by Book Signing

“Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Paradigm”
13th September 2014 / 10am – 12pm
Auditorium 1 – DBS / 13-14 Aungier Street, D2

Éric Laurent is a psychoanalyst in Paris and former president of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. Trained by Jacques Lacan, he was a member of the directorate of the École freudienne de Paris and has been a member of the École de la Cause freudienne since its founding. He has a Masters in Psychology (Paris VII) and a PhD in Psychoanalysis (Paris VIII). He is former editor-in-chief of La Cause freudienne and teaches at the Clinical Section of the Department of Psychoanalysis at University Paris VIII.

He is the author of Guiding Principles for Any Psychoanalytic Act (2006). In 1998, he delivered the key-note lecture at the Clinical Limits of Gender Conference in London, organised by the European School of Psychoanalysis. He was invited in 2006 to the international conference organised by the New York Academy of Medicine later published as The Dead Father by Routledge, and he delivered the Abram Kardiner Lecture at the New York Academy of Medicine in 2011.

He lectures widely in Europe, Israel and Latin America and his articles are regularly published in English, French, Spanish and Italian.

His books include Lost in Cognition (Cécile Defaut, 2008; Karnac Books, 2014) and La bataille de l’autisme: de la clinique à la politique (Navarin/Champ freudien, 2012)


REGISTRATION:€20 / Students-Unwaged €10 [payment by cheque/bank transfer]Book signing at 12pm – Books will be on sale (cash/cheques only) at the special price of €20

Please note this event will start at 10 am sharp. Registration from 9.30am. Come early to get your place, as it is already nearly fully booked!