Cartel as a Space of k(not) Knowing
When: Saturday 1st October 2022
Time: 11am
Venue: Carmelite Centre, Aungier Street, Dublin 2
In Person Event and Online Event
“The call to work, is the clarion wake up call, it makes an appeal.”[1]
It’s a subjective call, where the Cartel as an instrument of Lacanian psychoanalytic discourse and one of the two lungs of the School, supports One amongst Others to engage in an elaboration of their question.
Lacan’s The Founding Act’ (1964) produced in the week between the penultimate and the final session of Seminar X1, The Four Fundamental Concepts created the Freudian School of Paris. “For the execution of the work we shall adopt the principle of an elaboration supported in a small group …. composed of three people at least,” not more than four. The non-hierarchical circular nature of the small group (named as Cartel in the adjunct), additionally has as its centre the Plus-One chosen by the cartelisands. The Plus-One highlights each members’ question which comes from their own unique experience. The structure and it’s link to the School, is not without subjective effect.
“The collective is nothing but the subject of the individual.”[2] The collective of the cartel is a space where the subjective real as impossible, our relationship to knowledge, marred by a hole is inscribed. The singular journey through the path of desire, allows us knot our response to this hole.
Membership of a cartel is open to all who have an interest in Lacanian psychoanalytic discourse and who wish to inscribe themselves in its discourse. Come and join us in this morning’s work of elaboration and participation.
Eva Sophie Reinhofer – Ros McCARTHY
ICLO-NLS Cartel Delegates
- J-A., Miller, “Five Variations on the Theme of Provoked Elaboration,” The NLS Cartels Newsletter 4+One, February 2018
- Cited in, Miller. J-A., Miller, “The Turin Theory of the Subject of the School,”