ICLO-NLS Reading Seminar “Returning to Freud (IV)”
“The Neurotic Invented the Father” Freud’s interest in – and admiration for – religion is well known. He nevertheless did not develop psychoanalysis in the direction of a religious interpretation of the Father but rather concluded that the latter is an invention of the neurotic. Each se
Seminar of the Lacanian Orientation with members of the World Association of Psychoanalysis
The Contemporary Subject and the Choice of Mode of Jouissance with Gil Caroz The general axis for this Seminars for 2014/16 will be -in line with the forthcoming WAP Congress in Rio- “Language and the Body”. In the last decades we bear witness to a kind of democratisation of modes of jouissan
One-shot Cartel in London – 28th November
One-shot Cartel in preparation for the NLS Congress 2016 “Discreet Signs in Ordinary Psychoses. Clinic and Treatment” Date: 28th November 2015 Time: 2pm – 5pm Venue: The University of London Union (ULU), Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY. Open to all!
Seminar of the Lacanian Orientation with members of the World Association of Psychoanalysis
Lieve Billiet “The Paradoxes of the Body“ The general axis for this Seminars for 2014/16 will be -in line with the forthcoming WAP Congress in Rio- “Language and the Body”. “The psychoanalytic session requires the physical presence of the analysand and the analyst.Yet the position o
Seminar of the Lacanian Orientation with members of the World Association of Psychoanalysis
Antoni Vicens “Sex and the BodyFrom Sex to Love and Return” The general axis for this Seminars for 2014/16 will be -in line with the forthcoming WAP Congress in Rio- “Language and the Body”. Antoni Vicens is a psychoanalyst in Barcelona. He was Analyst of the School (AE 2008-2011) and is
ICLO-NLS Open Day “How does one become an analyst?”
This is a free event open to all where the crucial issues of analytic training, university discourse, analytic discourse and the specificity of Lacanian psychoanalysis and its formation will be debated with colleagues from Ireland and guest speakers: Véronique Voruz, practising psychoanalyst in
vICTIM! 3th European Congress of Psychoanalysis July 4th & 5th, 2015 “VICTIM!” PIPOL 7, the third congress of the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis, entitled “VICTIM!”, will take place at the Palais des Congrès in Brussels on the 4th and 5th of July, 2015. A meeting for all who practi
Inter-Cartel Day
The theme of the Inter-Cartel Day is ‘Anxiety in the 21st Century‘. Papers will be presented for discussion from cartelisands currently working on Lacan’s Seminar X ‘Anxiety‘. Date: 20th June 2015 / Time: 10am-12pm / Venue: SHINE, 38 Blessington St, D1. The Inter-Cartel Day is free and
NLS Congress 2015
Congress of the NLS 2015 NLS Congress Blog Argument
“The Knotting of Language and the Body in Adolescence” a Seminar with Neus Carbonell
The ICLO-NLS Special Interest Group Child & Adolescent Lacanian Psychoanalysis invites you to the Seminar The Knotting of Language and the Body in Adolescence with guest speaker Neus Carbonell and an introduction by Joanne Conway Date: Saturday 6th June 2015Venue: The Psychological Society of